Everyone knows that Kate Moss's style is impeccable. Whether casual or formal, she always looks so chic and perfect (without looking like she has tried too hard). We were brain-storming on who to feature in our 'Style Crush' for this installment and it suddenly hit us, 'Kate Moss! How could we have never thought of her before!!!' Had the hardest time choosing favourite looks because she's just got so so many. Finally, after some brutal cuts - these are what I came up with. Enjoy!
She looked extra gorgeous at her wedding!
Love how pretty and understated the gown is.
To end off, here are some of Kate Moss's style tips:
And here's what the book, 'Inside The World's Most Famous Wardrobe, Kate Moss Style' by Angela Buttolph got to say about her:
"Kate Moss is the greatest fashion icon of our time. Endlessly watchable, never predictable, always natural and utterly unpretentious, her sense of style is innate, instinctive and impeccable."
This pretty much sums up Moss's style perfectly.
Hope you've enjoyed this installment of PF's Style Crush!